On Doing Laundry
-- 13 February 2007
I am sending you some
pictures of the all-day activity at the convent EVERY
Saturday--all morning and most of the
afternoon----washing clothes. Of course, with no
electricity, there are no washing machines, so all the
laundry is done by hand in metal or plastic tubs. The
sisters have 2 women who come to wash the sheets,
towels, and the sisters' clothes on Monday and
Thursday. But the employees and students who live at
the convent have to do their own. They start about 8
The work is a cross
between sheer drudgery and social interaction. The
students talk and sing; friends stop by to chat; the
little kids, Anita and Fanfan, spend time with the older
girls. |

Laundry Day at the Convent |

A little laundry helper |
Haitiens have a certain
way all this is done. They buy the soap (savon) in foot
long bars that resemble white chocolate. Large chunks
of the soap are broken off and scrubbed into the clothes
with a special hand action--with the clothes held in
both fists, the cloth is rubbed knuckle against knuckle
in a crossways direction, with the fists parallel to the
ground, back and forth, left to right.
After the soaping, everything soaks in water in the sun;
then the clothes are wrung out, rinsed, and hung on the
line--without wringing them out a second time. Of
course, that makes for a lot of drippy clothes, but I
think there may be less wrinkles that way.
Before the clothes are completely dry,
they are taken down and ironed--with a steel iron that
has glowing charcoal inside to provide the heat. By the
time all this is finished it is about 6 PM. |
At the old convent,
before the fire, I got into the habit of doing all my
own laundry about every other day---mainly because I
didn't have a lot of clothes, and I couldn't wait a week
for the clean clothes to return. I used shampoo because
I didn't have any Fab (the Haitien term for ALL laundry
powder), and my clothes weren't that dirty. There was a
little more privacy, and nobody watched what I was doing
or made any comments.
After the fire, at the temporary convent, there is a bit
less privacy. About every other day, I stand by the big
water drums near the bathroom (because that is easier
than carrying the water elsewhere), and wash my two
shirts, underwear, socks, and jumpers. Of course,
everyone who passes by has a comment. (Oh, Joann knows
how to wash. Oh, Joann washes quickly. I can wash that
for you. Do you wash clothes like that in the US?) I
finally had to start using FAB, because everyone rolled
their eyes at the shampoo (Poor American, she just
doesn't know any better.) |

Everyone helps out! |
The sisters finally received a new
truck--after several years of waiting and walking and
asking for rides to everything. The chauffer is a young
man named Nadim--he seems to be a careful driver and a
decent mechanic. At 8:30 every morning, he comes to the
Convent to take the sisters to work. On Friday, he
arrived a little early, and as I was starting my laundry
activities, he stood watching and talking. Finally he
couldn't stand it any longer. He laughed and said, Oh
Joann does not know how to wash clothes. When I asked
why he said that, he responded that my
knuckle-to-knuckle scrubbing action was not correct. I
was rubbing my knuckles front-to-back, not
top-over-bottom. I asked him what the difference would
be. After about 3 minutes of both of us examining
different knuckle action, he gave up and said that the
Haitien way was just better. Poor American, she just
doesn't know any better. Nothing like a little
critiquing from a driver to keep one's humility in line.
More Later--Joan