see the results of the Pepinyé Project
The 2006 focus for "CHANGE HAITI"
was to
establish a pepinyé,
a fruit- & nut-tree nursery
to provide food for families and to foster reforestation
see the new cistern & more

A message from:
Soukup The OMOS Student Council Haiti Representative 2004-05
CHANGE HAITI project is a great way to get involved
with helping Joan Martin, our Haiti representative, serve Haiti.
You can do this by filling any jar around
your house with leftover pocket change or money. You can then take the
jar to the school or parish office. The money will then be brought
to Student Council where they will count the money and send it to Haiti.
This is a quick, easy, and wonderful way to help those in need.As you
may already know, Haiti is a country in need of help. Through this
project, you can help "Change Haiti." |