Notes from February
16 February 2006
Dear everyone,
This is a report on the poultry situation at the convent.
1. The turkey being fattened for Easter. He "gobble-gobbles" most
of the day. To prevent someone from stealing him, the cook locks him
in the kitchen at night.
"O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the
prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to
gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her
wings, but you were not willing!" Luke 13:34

2. About Feb. 5, this mother hen
hatched 8 chicks. As of today, all are still alive--surprisingly.
They "cheep, cheep" most of the day. Late yesterday afternoon,
after rain all day, I noticed that the hen was standing in a funny
position and her legs looked a little deformed. As I approached, I
saw that all 8 of the chicks were huddled under her wings to keep
warm. Occasionally, one would get pushed out and would have to
wander around to nudge his way back in.
End of the poultry report. Joan
Notes from March 2006
Sunday 12 March
Ca-na-val (Carnival or Mardi Gras) is a
very interesting time in Haiti. . . . Friday before Ash
Wed. is Canaval for the school children....masks, music, dancing,
and a parade thru town. For adults, there are many political songs
and activities; but for the kids, it is a time of celebration and
having fun in the midst of very difficult circumstances.
Joan |
These are photos of the Canaval
(Carnival) celebration at the Bombard school on the Friday before
Mardi Gras.
1. Teachers waiting for the parade to begin.
2. Students waiting for the parade to begin.
3. Pere Cholet trying to get the music and speakers set up in the
truck that would lead the parade.
4. Student walking to the school celebration in Baie-de-Henne. |