In addition to joining the Parish Twinning
Program and launching The Nutrition Project and The
Teacher-to-Teacher Project with St. François of Assisi Parish in Bompardopolis (see above), in our first year, OMOS also funded the
St. Montfort Clinic Support
Where: St. Montfort Clinic in
What: Through OMOS Parish
sponsorship, 3 nurses received a salary.
Why: The
Sisters of Wisdom, under the leadership of Sr. Adeline, run this clinic to
care for local residents. Two of the nurses are "community
walkers" and visit the sick house-to-house. Another cares for those in
a home for the poor and aged.
Mobile Medical Clinic Support
Where: specially equipped bus, based in Port-de-Paix
What: Through OMOS Parish sponsorship, salaries
were provided for a nurse and the driver/mechanic, medicines were purchased,
and gas was provided for
the bus.
Why: The
mobile clinic can provide treatment for those in outlying areas.
OMOS Youth Projects for Haiti
Our Mother of Sorrows youth are uniquely bonded
to the Haiti Project through the inspiration and example of former OMOS
school teacher, Joan Martin. Through various projects and fundraising
efforts, the children, youth, parents and teachers of the parish send their love,
prayers, and support to the People of Haiti.
In 2002-03, students of OMOS School
participated in "Seeds for Haiti," a program which sent money for crop
seeds to the country and a program whereby dividends from the OMOS hot lunch
program were donated to Haiti. Also in 2002-03, the young people in our Religious
Education Program and the OMOS Youth Group worked together to
purchase a refrigerator for St. Adeline's St. Montfort Clinic. The
refrigerator will be used for medications and vaccines.