Area II Ministries focus primarily
on providing support |
"Bear one another's burden and
fulfill the law of Christ" STEPHEN MINISTRY see: StephenMinistries.org website OMOS participates in a national program of one-to--one caring called Stephen Ministry which offers pastoral care for people experincing times of stress. The program prepares individuals to minister as spiritual / pastoral care-givers who can "walk with" those in need during times of distress. Persons interested in becoming a Stephen Minister complete a 50-hour of formation program and are then commissioned to represent the parish and minister to those in need.
If you are interested in learning more,
the Parish staff contact is Patsy Klein
HEALTH CARE & Blood Drive Are you a health care professional? This ministry provides services by volunteer nurse and health care professionals and also assists with blood drives and donor recruiting. Not a healthcare professional yourself? Catholics we believe all life is precious. You can honor this belief by giving the gift of life as a blood donor.
If you are interested in
getting invovled in this ministry, the Parish staff contact is
Patsy Klein (pklein@omosparish.org
) |
Bereavement Support Has someone you loved died recently? OMOS Parish's Bereavement Support offers help and support for those who have lost a loved one through an 8-week grief ministry group. Groups start throughout the year. Contact the Parish Office to learn more. Contact Grace at 290-5659 if you are interested in joining a group. MOSES
The MOSES ministry
luncheons for families
following a funeral. To learn more about this gift of kindness and
support for those who are grieving
contact Cindy Phillips (
cphillips@omosparish.org )
Eucharistic Ministers Eucharistic Ministers to those who are homebound or hospitalized (at Banner UMC Hospital) bring Holy Communion and prayer to those -- who due to illness -- are unable to attend the Eucharistic Liturgy with the community. If you are interested in
this ministry, the Parish staff contact is Patsy Klein
"For I was . . ill |
The divorce healing program titled
"The Catholic's Divorce Survival Guide" helps those
who are separated and divorced to navigate their way through pain,
confusion and anxiety into the heart of Christ to help them find peace,
power, and passion after their divorce. The program is now offered
through the Diocese. Learn more at: ST. PEREGRINE MINISTRY Members of the St. Peregrine Ministry host Masses for those with cancer and promote the veneration of St. Peregrine, the patron saint of cancer victims. If you are interested in learning more, the Parish staff contact is Lyn Bulski ( lbulski@omosparish.org ) St. Peregrine, Pray for us! TIHAN MINISTRY TIHAN stands for the Tucson Interfaith HIV / AIDS Network. This city-wide program fosters HIV awareness, helps with hosting the "Poz Cafe" luncheon and supports activities for persons with HIV/AIDS and OMOS . To learn more about how you can get involved to support this compassionate effort, contact staff member Laura Stehle (lstehle@omosparish.org )
TIHAN.org website |